Punch,  42 (1862), 129.

The Organ Grinding Nuisance



Letter, Spoof; Editorial


Music, Pollution, Scientific Practitioners, Astronomy, Gender

    Written from the perspective of a female domestic servant of limited literary ability, who describes how her master, George B Airy, became so outraged at the noise created by an 'Italyan orgin man' that he promised to take him to the police. She thinks that the only reason Airy did this was because he is 'a Stronomer or Somthink of that sort and bizzey with Rithmetic and Mathew Matticks' and 'Mustent be disturbed'. Adds that she wants Punch to tell her what right Airy has to stop her and her friend enjoying their 'Musick'. In an editorial, Punch urges her to enjoy the music 'unattended by anybody else's annoyance', and points out to her that Airy's 'professional calculations' earn him an income which pays her wages.

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