Punch,  42 (1862), 140.

A Matter of Absorbing Interest



News-Commentary, Drollery


Invention, Instruments, Chemistry, Narcotics, Periodicals

    Describes Mr Punch's response to his discovery, in 'scientific magazines', of articles on the 'Absorbmeter' that determines the 'volumes of liquid absorbed during successive intervals of time'. Goes on to describe how Mr Punch, who 'naturally takes the cause of science much at heart, and taking a deep interest in all scientific instruments', sought to test the invention. Reports that at a 'little dinner down at Greenwich', Mr Punch found that 'the absorbents' (his bibulous friends) absorb different alcoholic beverages at different rates. Mr Punch urges his 'scientific friends' to invent a 'clever apparatus' that will enable 'absorbents' to determine their capacity, and thus prevent them from drinking too much and suffering the resulting 'bad headaches'.

© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020

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