Punch,  42 (1862), 190.

Birds and Beasts

Cock Robin


Letter, Spoof


Agriculture, Ornithology, Natural History, Hunting, Cruelty, Race

Institutions mentioned:

International Exhibition

    Written to represent the style of a yokel, who describes a local concert given by songbirds and relishes news that the Acclimatisation Society has successfully imported such species into New Zealand. Goes on to explain his use of magpies as deterrents against grubs, and he condemns news (seen in the Stamford Mercury) of 'young labourers and itinerants' who made their living from killing the small birds that destroy insects. Claims that 'Tis all along o-bein unbelievin Jews; there is no baitun into their heads that small birds baint varmant'. Wishes Punch would get one of its 'young men' to 'gie my nabers a lectur or two on natural histry' to stop this 'dickycide'.

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