Punch,  42 (1862), 204–05.

Punch's Essence of Parliament



Regular Feature, Reportage, Drollery


Pollution, Analytical Chemistry, Military Technology, Invention, Government, Politics

    Reports on the appointment of the 'Smell Committee' of Edward G G S Stanley (14th Earl of Derby)—a reference to the House of Lords Select Committee on Injury from Noxious Vapours, which is intended to investigate claims that people and lands are being poisoned 'by the eructations from certain manufactories'. Notes that the evil is to be remedied rather than prevented and supposes that Michael Faraday may 'illuminate the Lords on the subject'. Also reports the observation of the admiral, Clarence E Paget, that Cowper P Coles criticised the Admiralty for not treating his inventions fairly—which Punch wryly notes is astonishing given that august body's 'sweet readiness' to assist inventors. (204)

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