Punch,  42 (1862), 246, 248.

Missionary Swells



Letter, Spoof


Class, Human Development, Education, Race, Human Species, Religion

    Prompted by a recent sitting of the Social Science Congress, presents his suggestion for 'ameliorating the behaviour of the industrious classes'. He urges that 'some of us fellows should go among them as missionaries' and improve their speech, spelling, and manners. (246) Details how he would conduct this mission while accompanying the 'industrious classes' to the sea-side. Concludes by stressing that 'we ought all to love our species, and the People are our species; although they seem a different race', and that the reason a 'fellow' seeks to 'improve the Million' is because he finds the 'idea that they are a fellow's fellow men [...] so deuced humiliating'.

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