Punch,  43 (1862), [1]–2.

Punch's Essence of Parliament



Regular Feature, Proceedings, Drollery


Hospitals, Government, Military Technology, Government, Engineering, Government, Politics, Progress, Controversy

    Notes discussion of a bill to move the Queen's Prison, the present site of which Punch hopes will be used for St Thomas's Hospital, thus settling the question of where the hospital should be relocated. Proceeds to discuss the extended debate over the 'important question of the week'—the attempt by George C Lewis to raise £1,200,000 for 'Fortifications of Arsenals'—and whether such defences are needed. (1) Later notes Lewis's defence of his scheme to the House of Lords, and discusses the debate over the proposed Thames Embankment, a proposal which will be blocked by Walter F Scott (5th Duke of Buccleuch), owing to its potential destruction of his private garden.

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