Punch,  43 (1862), 94.

A Blank Day with the Black Cocks



Letter, Spoof


Hunting, Military Technology, Animal Behaviour, Taxonomy, Heat, Instruments

    The author describes his experiences of 'blackcock shooting' in Coolmer Forest. Notes how he used a thermometer to gauge the coolness of the early morning on which he arose to shoot the birds, and complains of the small range of guns with the exception of William G Armstrong's. Plagued by flies at Coolmer, recalls how he 'wished that Nature had provided them with a better occupation', and boasts how virtuous he was to follow regulations and not shoot the hens. Notes how he observed a 'fine old cock' on 'Pigmoor', which 'owes its name to Roger Bacon calling for 'more pig' when he was at a pic-nic there', and describes the game birds which he could have shot.

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