Punch,  43 (1862), 237.

Protection for Pedestrians



Essay, Drollery; Illustration, Drollery

Relevant illustrations:



Technology, Crime

    Following the passage of the 'Garrotting Act' in July 1862 (legislation making forcible robbery punishable by flogging), this article suggests that the public will still need to protect itself from 'garrotting ruffians' and proposes several garments which will fulfil this task. These include 'great coats made à-la-porcupine', 'Snip and Co.'s steel helmet' and 'coat of mail'. The illustration shows a man, 'CAVE TOMKINS', wearing clothes to which huge spikes have been attached and defying garrotters to 'try it on again'.

© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020

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