Punch,  43 (1862), 247.

Subterranean News



News-Commentary, Drollery


Railways, Engineering, Periodicals, Progress, Accidents

    Discusses the apology offered by the directors of the Metropolitan Railway Company for the delay in the opening of their scheme, which was published in The Times but was apparently prompted by Mr Punch's recent article on the subject (PU1/43/23/1). States that the cause of the delay was reportedly 'the Fleet Ditch irruption', which stalled the Farringdon Street terminus, but urges the directors to have the motto of 'slow and sewer' rather than 'swift and smash'. Ends by noting that such excitement has been caused by the opening of the railway in the New Road that surprising acts of goodwill were observed such as 'omnibus cads' speaking 'civilly to passengers'.

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