Punch,  44 (1863), 104.

Piece-Work at South Kensington



Proceedings, Spoof


Education, Government, Lecturing

    Notes that the secretary of the Department of Science and Art, Henry Cole, is opposed to the proposal of Granville G Leveson-Gower (2nd Earl Granville) that the Committee of Council on Education should pay clerks 'by results'. Believing that this will create jobbery, Cole is reported to have tried the 'experiment' on his 'scientific staff'. Punch presents an 'official scale of payments', which range from 10s for 'delivery a lecture' to 3d for 'speaking to a Porter'. Concludes by reporting Cole's notion that science is 'like sugar' insofar as it 'should be bought over the counter when you want it at a fixed price per job'.

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