Punch,  45 (1863), 29.

A Savage Reproof



Letter, Spoof


Cruelty, Industry, Manufactures, Gender, Disease, Pollution

    Addressed to the president of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the spoof letter-writer Ojawaway identifies himself as 'the Soft-Buffalo, Chief of the North American Association for preventing the Massacre of Milliners' and opens by lamenting the number of 'youthful Milliners' amongst Britons. Acknowledges the way in which Britain rightly reproached his ancestors for 'barbarities in war', but now asks the president, 'Benefactor of Badgers', to 'ameliorate' Britain's harmful 'court millinery' just as he ameliorated our brutal 'military code'. Explains the formation of a 'mission of young Indians' to travel to Belgravia and slay the 'false Ogre of Economy' that leads to 'sedentary damsels' being killed by 'carbonic gas'. Discusses, however, the possibility that his missionaries will 'themselves be led into fatal dalliance' with these women, and urges the president to ensure that the missionaries do not end up marrying them.

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