How to Squash the Quacks
A Crusher
Genre: | Letter, Drollery |
Subjects: | Quackery, Medical Practitioners, Medical Treatment, Crime, Commerce, Periodicals |
The author outlines three ways in which he thinks quack doctors can be 'crushed'. He suggests that the General Medical Council should 'proceed' against unqualified persons giving 'medical advice', that the 'Law Courts' be able to 'nonsuit' those 'unqualified' practitioners who demand a fee, and that the press should be allowed to reject 'quack advertisements' and to expose quackery. Reveals that he refuses to buy papers featuring 'vile quack advertisements' and castigates those papers that do. Concludes by praising 'Dr Punch' for his 'philanthropic efforts to annihilate these vermin' and in a postscript argues that quacks should be removed in a police van. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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