Punch,  48 (1865), 221.

A Good Word for a Good Work



News-Commentary, Drollery


Sanitation, Health, Gender, Human Development, Class, Patronage, Medical Practitioners, Education

    Presents Mr Punch's response to a visit to a meeting of the Ladies' Association for the Diffusion of Sanitary Knowledge, an association which aims to 'promote the health and comfort and well-being of the poor, by making them acquainted with the common laws of health'. Notes that the association's other goals include 'collecting money for Sanitary improvements', requesting medical officers of health to 'deliver popular free lectures', holding mothers' meetings where 'Sanitary and domestic instruction' is imparted, and 'establishing Nurseries for motherless babies'. Believes these are 'Plain, practical and sensible' and draws attention to the short pamphlets published by the association, including The Worth of Fresh Air (probably a reference to Anon 1858), The Power of Soap and Water (probably a reference to Anon 1869), and The Health of Mothers and How to Manage a Baby—versions of the last two works may have been published as Powers 1866. Proceeds to praise the association for caring for impoverished children by taking them to parks, and urges that such benefits are made possible by donating money to the association. Concludes by noting Mr Punch's admiration for 'Lovely Woman', especially when she is 'employed in doing good work', such as helping the 'poor to health and happiness'.

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