Punch,  48 (1865), 54.

A Dream of the Future. Gas has Been Turned on in China (Translation of Correspondence)



Letter, Spoof


Gas Chemistry, Technology, Commerce, Comparative Philology, Cultural Geography, Progress

    Comprises correspondence between 'His Celestial and Imperial Highness, Brother to the Sun and Moon Twin to the Twinkling Stars, Cousin of the Comet', and 'T. Jones, Secretary of the Hi Ski Hi Gas Company of Pekin'. The former is told that the reason why his gas supply has been 'discontinued' is because he has failed to pay 'certain moneys', and he subsequently threatens to behead Jones. Although Jones asked the gas company to continue the gas supply, the 'Highness' demands the heads of all connected with it, threats which prompt the 'escape' of the company.

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