Home, Sweet Home! (A Song of the Day)
Genre: | Poetry, Drollery |
Subjects: | Spiritualism, Crime, Charlatanry, Patronage, Scientific Practitioners |
Begins by identifying Daniel D Home as an unprecedented 'worker of wonders' and introduces the chorus, 'Home, Home, Dan Home, / No Medium like Home'. Proceeds to describe the sensational legal case in which Jane Lyon accused Home of using fraudulent 'spiritualistic' means of proving himself to be the true heir to her considerable legacy. It emphasises that Lyon's 'terrors are vain' in the face of Home who flies 'Into fortune'. Describes the various phenomena allegedly produced through his mediumship (including levitation) and insists that his fame 'should be pinned' on his ability to raise the wind rather than himself. Concludes by noting that 'He is vouched for by friends, F.R.S.'s, M.P.'s' and other dignitaries, and that he has 'on tap draughts for thousands of pounds'. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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