Science Applied to the Political Arts
Genre: | Essay, Spoof |
Subjects: | Politics, Government, Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Matter Theory, Force, Commerce, Electrochemistry, Electricity |
Divided into two sections. In 'To Dissolve Parliament', explains that the 'common Parliament' is composed of 'Ministerial Varnish, Soft Soap, Gum Benjamin', and 'Colouring Matter'. 'Gum Benjamin' is responsible for giving Parliament its 'adhesive' properties while being 'wonderfully plastic'. Points out how the 'sensitive atoms' of Parliament can be held in suspense by 'an occult influence'—presumably that of 'Gum Benjamin'. In 'Electoral Affinities', gold is claimed to be a 'universal political solvent, specially remarkable for its electoral affinities'. Using an analogy between politics and electrochemistry, explains how bringing the 'auriferous wires of a powerful club battery' in contact with 'the Poll' causes the latter to become 'positively electrified with venal avidity, the whole body surrounding the Poll, being charged with a subtle fluid technically called craft'. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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