Punch,  55 (1868), 42.

Grumpy, Lumpy, and Bumpy. A Dialogue for Hot Weather, When Attention, Answer, or Argument is Impossible to a Rational Being



Drama, Drollery


Meteorology, Astronomy, Physics, Heat, Zoological Gardens, Botanical Gardens, Horticulture, Language

    Comprises a dialogue between Mr Grumpy, Mr Bumpy, and Mr Lumpy who sit and air their eccentric views about politics, literature and other topics, each one being a non sequitur to the last. At one point Mr Lumpy explains that the 'reason why the fixed stars give light is that their photospheres are all in a state of the fiercest combination' and that the temperature of the earth seven miles beneath the surface is equivalent to 'red-hot iron'. He insists that he is right because he has just read about it in Lockyer 1868 'just issued by Mr Macmillan'. Later Mr Grumpy expresses hatred of 'the slang that calls the Zoological Gardens "the Zoo"' and suggests 'the Hort. and the Bot.' as slang for the Royal Horticultural Society Gardens and Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.

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