How to Feed Our Gaol-Birders
Genre: | News-Commentary |
Subjects: | Animal Husbandry, Breeding, Cruelty, Crime |
Discusses a report of the conditions at a chicken farm in Vichy, condemning the conditions in which the chickens are kept: they are deprived of exercise and are brutally fed through a gullet inserted down their throats. Believing that 'The torments of Tantalus could scarce have equalled this', asks why this harsh regime is not adopted 'with garotters and other British gaol-birds'. Thinks that prison food is 'sumptuous' compared with 'workhouse fare' and suggests that food should be fed to prisoners (including 'brutes who beat their wives') in the same way that Vichy chickens are fed. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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