The Philosopher's Revenge—(A Story Without Words) [2/2]
D M *
Genre: | Illustration, Drollery, Serial |
Relevant illustrations: | wdct. [16] |
Illustrators: | D M * |
Subjects: | Scientific Practitioners, Music, Electricity, Instruments, Gender |
Continues the story of the philosopher who is irritated by the piano-playing of his female neighbour. Begins by showing the philosopher standing by his desk on which he has now placed his electrical machine. When the woman begins playing her piano, he turns the handle of his machine causing sparks to jump through the wall and to stream away from the piano. This causes the woman to flee in terror and the philosopher to jump about in hysterical laughter. Later the woman returns to examine the piano but in the final image we see the philosopher writing contentedly at his desk, the woman next-door having vacated her house. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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