Another "Story of Elizabeth"
Genre: | News-Commentary |
Subjects: | Nutrition, Disease, Statistics, Periodicals |
Begins by acknowledging the importance of hunger for the appreciation of food, but then discusses a case of a destitute woman milliner who was forced to refuse medicine to treat her consumption because it made her hungry, 'which she could not afford to be'. Insists that Mr Punch is not blaming anybody—'He never blames anybody'—but that the milliner's case is merely an 'average' one, much as 'murder, fire, starvation' 'go in averages'. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
Printed from Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical: An Electronic Index, v. 4.0, The Digital Humanities Institute <> [accessed ]