Punch,  57 (1869), 161.

The Pope's Syllabus



Poetry, Drollery


Religious Authority, Religion, Progress, Scientific Practitioners, Astronomy, Spectroscopy

    This is a response to news of the imminent establishment of the Œcumenical Council, a Roman Catholic assembly that would proclaim papal infallibility on questions of morality and faith. Explains that Pope Pius IX, is having 'a little "at home"' where he and 'lots of old ladies will meet and talk scandal, / And make of their neighbours' wrong-doings a handle'. Adds that the errors 'on his Programme' are large enough to 'fill a 'bus'. Warns that 'the Progress of Knowledge, with all of its fallacies, / From poor Galileo to Spectrum analysis—/ It's all at an end, the Philosopher's trade is, / The cry being "Room for the elderly ladies"'.

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