Punch,  57 (1869), 186.

Studies of Animal Life  [3/3]

D M *


Serial, Illustration, Drollery

Relevant illustrations:

wdct. [6]


D M *


Animal Behaviour, Entomology, Zoology, Nutrition, Disease, Gender

    Defines a range of common domestic creatures in terms of their troublesome effects on human life. A man and a woman being shocked by a beetle squashed under the man's shoe illustrates 'Black Beetle (Scarabaeus Explodans)', a man reclining on a chaise longue and swatting a fly on his head illustrates 'The Fly (Musca Dementans)', a woman nagging her husband that he should not have eaten a lobster for dinner represents 'The Lobster (Crustaceum Resurgens Vindex)', a couple trying to catch a spider under a glass shows 'The Daddy Longlegs (Paterfamilias Longricus), a groom, sporting a huge insect bite on his nose while preparing for his wedding illustrates 'The Gnat (Culex Disfigurans)', and an elderly lady gingerly approaching a bed with some tongs depicts '(The —— (Unmentionable Norfolkienxe Hovardianum Insectum Trium Literarum)'.

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