Punch,  59 (1870), 129.

The "Captain" Foundered (On Wednesday, September 7, 1870)





Military Technology, Steamships, Accidents, Nationalism, War

    Laments the loss of the ironclad, HMS Captain, on its maiden voyage. This was 'The finest ship we had, The finest on the sea'. Ponders the fact that it only recently 'rejoiced' in 'that matchless turret-ship', and states that its 'few survivors' told of how the ship toppled over by a 'squall's side-blow' and 'sank to the bottom, fast, / Like a stone'. With the ship sank 'all the wealth she cost' and 'the brave', including the ship's architect, Cowper P Coles. Believes there was never an English wreck 'so sore' as this one, and ponders the 'gap in England's wall' and the fate of the bereaved. Concludes by insisting that Britons 'owe a debt' to the dead and that they will discharge this duty.

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