Punch,  60 (1871), [i].

The Calendar





Scientific Practitioners, Natural History, Electricity, Natural Philosophy, Engineers, Engineering, Steam-power, Architecture, Mathematics, Chemistry, Politics, Statistics, Astronomy, Physiology, Medical Practitioners, Industry, Manufactures, Philosophy, Sociology, Mechanics, Dynamics

People mentioned:

Carl Linnaeus , Benjamin Franklin , James Watt, Christopher Wren , Joseph Priestley , John Graunt , Nicholas Copernicus , William Harvey , Matthew Boulton , Auguste Comte , Dominique F J Arago , Gottfried W Leibniz , Izaak Walton

© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020

Printed from Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical: An Electronic Index, v. 4.0, The Digital Humanities Institute <http://www.sciper.org> [accessed ]