Punch,  60 (1871), 240.

Whitsuntide at the Zoological Gardens. (Tuesday Morning)

D M *


Illustration, Dialogue, Satire

Relevant illustrations:



D M *


Zoology, Animal Behaviour, Animal Development, Evolution, Darwinism, Zoological Gardens

    Depicts two elephants, a bear, a giraffe, and an ostrich conversing in the Zoological Society Gardens. The elephant tells the bear that he looks so pale that he thought he had 'changed heads with the polar bear'. The bear agrees, and confesses that he has eaten the 31,457 buns given to him by visitors, and comments on the elephant's bloatedness. The elephant admits to consuming buns and ginger beer, while the ostrich remarks that he can stomach the buns and ginger beer but not the beer bottles, paper, and rusty nails. The ostrich informs a sickly giraffe that he looks spottier than ever.

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