Punch,  63 (1872), 244.

Punch at Lunch  [6/8]



Diary, Spoof, Serial


Phrenology, Exploration, Natural History, Collecting

    Wonders whether the study of phrenology makes 'folks mean': proceeds to relate the story of a phrenologist who was anxious to study 'some poor man's head, so got him to shave it'. He then dismissed the man, who was too poor to buy a wig. The author also describes a recent dinner party where a lady referred to 'this grand new sea-bottom exploration' (a reference to the HMS Challenger expedition) and said that 'it was delightful to learn that invisible shells could be found at awful depths, but that it would be much more delightful to hear that the dredgers had brought up some real Treasures of the Deep'.

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