Punch,  63 (1872), 34–35.

Punch's Essence of Parliament



Regular Feature, Reportage, Drollery


Astronomy, Heat, Meteorology, Controversy, Government, Politics, Pollution, Public Health, Mining

    Notes that while the sun is 'in his present excited state' and is emitting 'quadrillions of tons of whatever it is that he makes us hot with', a wise man will be brief. Adds that 'heat expands some things (as the dear little girl knew, who explained that the days were long in hot weather on that account), but does not expand paragraphs'. Also notes that Edward H Stanley (15th Earl of Derby) called attention to Acton S Ayrton's 'behaviour' towards Joseph D Hooker. Thinks that Derby is 'the man to right the wrongs of "the judicious Hooker"'. Also notes the complaint by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Archibald C Tait, concerning the 'abominable nuisance of the Lambeth Potteries' Smoke', Benjamin Disraeli's discussion of the 'Public Health Bill', and the debates on the bills for coal mines and Irish railways. (34)

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