Review of Reviews,  1 (1890), 87–95.

The Progress of the World



Regular Feature, Editorial

Relevant illustrations:



Disease, Public Health, Bacteriology, Race, Putrefaction, Statistics, Progress, Fear, Transport, Electricity, Socialism, Telegraphy, Imperialism

People mentioned:

Maximilian H Jolles , Robert Rawlinson

    Begins with an account of the 'Influenza Epidemic, which has been the great event of January'. The 'subtle microbe' originated in the putrefying flood waters of China, and its universal spread makes it clear that while the 'Chinese are, to most of us, hardly regarded as beings within the pale of humanity', they are in fact 'part of the common human family'. Statistics show that the mortality rate from the influenza epidemic is greater than that of all the recent colonial wars. (87) Notes that the 'shrinkage of the world under the potent influences of steam and electricity has undoubtedly facilitated the spread of epidemic disease' (88). Predicts the increasing electrification of state-owned public transportation systems, accompanied by a corresponding increase in administrative socialism (89–90). Warns that 'a strong annexationist movement in New Foundland' would threaten the British Empire because 'all the cables which link the Old World with the New' might be 'cut off' (95).

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