Review of Reviews,  10 (1894), 423–35.

The Progress of the World



Regular Feature, Editorial, News-Commentary


Medical Practitioners, Education, Gender, Endeavour

    Observes that in 'Scotland women have won another victory in connection with medical training. Dr. Jex-Blake for many years has fought in the van of the campaign to secure for women equal rights and privileges with men in the acquisition of medical training and degrees. Dr. Jex-Blake began the campaign as far back as 1869, when she and others matriculated as medical students at the University, but were subsequently not allowed to complete their curriculum and to take the usual degrees. It has been a long uphill fight, and more than once it seemed as if Dr. Jex-Blake would be vanquished. But she kept on fighting with a grim perseverance, and has proved the truth of the saying, "It's dogged as does it"' (435).

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