Review of Reviews,  10 (1894), 475.

Matteism, Its Successes and Its Failures



Editorial, Reportage


Medical Treatment, Heterodoxy, Homeopathy, Quackery, Experiment, Controversy, Boundary Formation

    Declares that those 'who may be disposed to jeer' at the remedies of Cesare Mattei 'have never seen a cancer patient die', and insists that, despite the overall failure of the experimental test of the medicines, it is 'indisputable, that in every one of the five test cases the excruciating pain of this fatal disease was alleviated and the general health of the patients improved'. Reports the successful application of the Mattei cures to ailments other than cancer in Samoa by the 'well-known missionary' the 'Rev. S. J. Whitmee, F.R.G.S.', and announces that 'Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson, who suffered much from some ailment and was treated by Mr. Whitmee, said that he had seldom or never received such sudden relief from any medicine'.

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