Review of Reviews,  13 (1896), 460.

The Death of Count Mattei: A Passing Retrospect



Obituary, Editorial


Disease, Medical Treatment, Homeopathy, Heterodoxy, Medical Practitioners, Truth, Hospitals

    Concedes, 'I have done few things that brought me more denunciation and involved me in more expense than the attempt to get at the truth about these remedies. Sometimes I feel disposed to regret that I yielded to the urgent entreaties of Mrs. Booth on her death-bed. But now and again I get letters' from cancer sufferers who have been helped by Cesare Mattei's alleged remedies 'that justify my belief that I was not misled when I made my pilgrimage to Bologna' [see RR1/3/1/3]. Informs readers that there is still 'a Mattei home at Earl's Court, London, where a small hospital has been established. Sir Henry Tyler paid the first cost of one half of it, and still supports one half of the patients'.

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