Review of Reviews,  15 (1897), 157.

Cyclomania Morbus. By a Cyclo-mad Doctor




Publications abstracted:

Arthur Shadwell National Review


Transport, Machinery, Mental Illness, Medical Practitioners, Specialization, Nomenclature, Neurology

    Claims that 'we are about to witness the evolution of a new class of specialists corresponding to the mad doctors who were so well known under the Lunacy Acts. For want of a better title we may call them cyclo-mad doctors, and just as we know a mad doctor is always ready to discover signs of incipient lunacy in the simplest departure from regular routine, so the cyclo-mad doctor is disposed to discover symptoms of the new disease—which again, for want of a better name, we may christen Cyclomania Morbus—in every headache of which a rider may complain'. Also recounts 'discussing the question of different kinds of amusements as brain rests with Mr. Grant Allen', who proposed that 'cycling was only useful from that point of view so long as the cyclist had not perfect management of his machine' because 'to secure a brain worker brain rest the great desideratum is to set up in the mind an attitude of constant expectancy which prevents thoughts reverting to the old rut. Hence the advantage of salmon fishing as a rest for overworked brain students'. Points out, however, that Allen's position seems to entail that in order to 'set up such an attitude of expectancy, nothing can be easier than to try to cycle without your hands on the handle-bar and your eyes shut'.

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