Review of Reviews,  16 (1897), 329–37.

The Progress of the World



Regular Feature, Editorial, News-Commentary


Hunting, Natural Imperialism, Extinction, Politics

    Reports that the American government is so concerned that present levels of Canadian and British hunting of the fur seals in the Behring Sea will mean that 'there will soon be no seals left to catch, and the only surviving herd of fur seals will disappear from the planet', that they are threatening to 'order the entire destruction of the herd' when it next arrives at the American-owned Pribyloff Islands for the annual breeding season. This 'odious task', they claim, will be a necessary one because otherwise 'the seals will all be dead in six years, and during those six years there will be friction and irritation and endless worry between Washington and London. If the seals are to die, they had better die quick, and save all future botheration'. (331)

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