Review of Reviews,  16 (1897), 368–69.

Our Real Peril in India. Plain Words to Lord George Hamilton




Publications abstracted:

John K Maconachie United Service Magazine


Imperialism, Government, Sex, Hygiene, Public Health, Disease

    Warns that it is 'necessary to speak very plainly' because the 'real danger in India does not lie in the Afghan passes', rather it lies in the 'action which has been taken in India for the ostensible purpose of coping with the contagious diseases in the army'. This attempt to 'return to the old system of regulation, examination, and the whole devildom of official licensed and State-patronised prostitution [...] strikes at the root of our Empire' because it gives the impression that India is 'being "run" [...] with absolute disregard of the explicit commands addressed by the India Office to the authorities in India'. Insists that if George F Hamilton 'intends his orders to be set at defiance by his underlings in India' then he should 'make way for some one who recognises the responsibilities of Empire'. (368)

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