Edison in Iron-mining. The Industry to be Revolutionised
Genre: | Abstract |
Publications abstracted: | Theodore Waters McClure's Magazine |
Subjects: | Mining, Metallurgy, Electromagnetism, Geology, Machinery, Invention |
Reports that Thomas A Edison has found in the New Jersey mountains large reserves of 'low-grade ore which might be pulverised' into black sand from which grains of iron can then be extracted with the use of an electro-magnet, and observes that 'Edison is quite a geological factor of no slight magnitude. By aid of dynamite and steam shovels, his conveyers lift 100,000 cubic feet of mountain side every day. They are eating out through the rock mountain a trench 100 feet deep'. Also notes that 'Even the rejected sand is found to be valuable for building purposes and sent off by the trainload every day. So much dust about the machinery got as grit between the wheels and made mischief that Mr. Edison invented a lubricant which will not work without grit or dust. So he conquers'. |
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