Review of Reviews,  16 (1897), 619–26.

Some Books of the Month. Two Notable Novels: "The Beth Book" and "The School for Saints"



Regular Feature, Abstract

Publications abstracted:

Grand 1897


Sex, Hygiene, Public Health, Morality, Gender, Vivisection, Medical Practitioners

    Complains of the popular misconception which 'prevails as to Sarah Grand's latest work. One idiot seems to imagine it is a tract against vivisection because, as a character touch, a page is devoted to describing the vivisection of a dog; while a passing reference to the C. D. Acts has been magnified until people imagine that Sarah Grand has been republishing Mrs. Butler's "The Constitution Violated"'. The novel nevertheless features a medical practitioner called Dan Maclure, 'who earns his living by acting as examining surgeon under the C. D. Acts, and divides his leisure between telling his young wife foul tales of the lupanar, in vivisecting dogs in his own house, and making love to his lady patients'. (619)

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