Review of Reviews,  17 (1898), 313–23.

The Progress of the World



Regular Feature, Editorial, News-Commentary


Government, Politics, Futurism, Telegraphy, Railways, Technology, Climatology, Progress, Time

    Looks forward to a 'better future when Europe will be something more than a geographical expression'. After all, the 'telegraph and the express train render it as easy to govern Britain from Cimiez as from Balmoral. Some day we may see Russia ruled from the Isle of Wight and Germany from the Bay of Naples. Our old ideas of time and space are being revolutionised. The most convenient centre of Government will be governed chiefly by telephonic and climatic considerations. As the telectroscope which is to astonish the world at the Paris Exhibition does for the eye what the telephone does for the ear, the rulers will naturally gravitate to latitudes where the climatic conditions make it easier to do the ruling'. (313)

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