Review of Reviews,  17 (1898), 419–29.

The Progress of the World



Regular Feature, Editorial, News-Commentary


War, Military Technology, Ethics, Biblical Authority, Religion, Internationalism, Technology

    Remarks that in the wake of the bloody battle at Atbara in North Africa and the outbreak of war between the United States and Spain it is 'possible that scientific manslaughter on the largest scale may be but a grim object-lesson as to the reality of the truth which was stated long ago in the old Book. We are all members of one another, and if one member suffers, all the other members suffer with it'. Urges that 'We are now entering, in the twentieth century, upon an epoch of universal world-wide inter-communication which, when seen by the eye of faith, appears to prefigure the universal triumph of the principle of human fraternity and the solidarity of the race'. (420) Also suggests that the 'inaugural dinner of the Foreign Press Association' presents another 'portent in the internationalisation of the world' (429).

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