The Progress of the World
Genre: | Regular Feature, Editorial, News-Commentary |
Subjects: | Telegraphy, Psychical Research |
Reports that the 'success of Signor Marconi's experiment in transmitting messages from Dover to Calais without any connecting wire has occasioned a pleasant thrill of delight to everybody except holders of cable stock', and urges that there is 'really no reason why thought should not be transmitted without wires all over the world; and some day it will be done. Intermittently it has been done already. But these glimpses of the possibilities of telepathy will never be recognised at their full value until some Marconi of the mind produces a mechanical appliance by which it will be possible not merely to receive but to record the impact of the thought waves which at present only leave their impress upon the brain of the sensitive' (315). |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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