Review of Reviews,  6 (1892), 90.

The Best Diet for Cancer Patients

Lady Paget




Nutrition, Health, Medical Treatment, Heterodoxy, Homeopathy

    Recommends the use of 'watercress as a specific against cancer' when taken 'raw for breakfast with whole-meal bread, and also as purée in soup, or made into quinelles with butter and flour'. At the same time, by 'abstaining from animal food the cancer seems to be deprived of its nourishment'. Notes that 'none of my patients had ever given a thought to their diet, except perhaps now and then'. Although there is 'nothing new in these hints', for 'those who cannot have the benefit of consulting a physician, and who wish to use Count Mattei's medicines inwardly [...] by adopting these hints they will find the way cleared for very surprising results'. An editorial notice appended to the foot of the page announces that 'In the next number of the review of reviews will be published the report of the Experimental committee' into the efficacy of the Mattei medicines.

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