Last Word From Mr. W. Parker Snow. To the Editor of the Review of Reviews
W Parker Snow, 1, Victoria Road, Bexley Heath, Kent
Genre: | Letter |
Subjects: | Exploration, Heterodoxy, Patronage |
Prints a bitter letter from Snow which complains at the paltry sum of £15 6s. contributed to his retirement fund after the appeal in a previous number of the Review of Reviews [see RR1/7/4/1 and , RR1/7/5a/13], and suggests that more would have been raised if the appeal had been made on behalf of '"poor savages" abroad; or one of the hordes of foreign locusts devastating our land, and driving native born to want and misery'. Also protests that William T Stead 'against my first wish, placed me on a sort of pedestal (pillory, it has rather turned to be), before the public, with certain inducements held out, proving now to be fallacious', but avows nevertheless 'I have fought a bold fight in a just and national cause, ever undisguisedly, and, be I ill or well, poor or not, shall stand firm to my last hours'. (659) |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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