The Progress of the World
Genre: | Regular Feature, Editorial, News-Commentary |
Subjects: | Natural Imperialism, Extinction, Environmentalism, Medical Practitioners, Psychology |
Reports that the 'diplomatists' arbitrating the contested ownership of the Behring Sea have made the 'unanimous recommendation [...] that rigorous measures should be taken at once to protect the fur seal from the destruction which threatens to deprive ladies of sealskin jackets before the close of the century'. Observes that it 'will be odd if a Pacific Concert should come into existence for the preservation of the seal as the European Concert was created to secure the preservation of the Ottoman Empire. Of the two the seal is much the worthier'. (239) Also records the death of 'Dr. Charchot, the famous physician of the Salpêtrière', which 'makes one more gap in the rapidly thinning ranks of notable Frenchmen' (241). |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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