Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine,  3rd ser. 1 (1822), 727–28.

[Review of The Christian Temper, by John Leifchild]




Publications reviewed:

Leifchild 1822


Christianity, Scientific Practitioners, Exploration

    In an extracted passage contrasting 'Heathenism and Christianity', Leifchild observes: 'Where genius has blazed, and the arts and sciences have flourished [...] the monuments of benevolence have been few and small'. He suggests that, by contrast, Christianity has been a blessing 'in every point of view'. Under its influence, people 'ventured on dangerous seas, they explored unknown countries, they endured unheard-of privations; not to increase their knowledge; not to bring ot light the monuments of ancient genius; not to augment to the stores of the learned and curious; but to lessen the sum of human woe; to recover men from the state of savages to humanity, and to God.' (728)

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