[1 Review of Philosophy of Religion, by Thomas Dick] Subjects: | Theology of Nature, Natural Theology |
The reviewer complains that
Thomas Dick does not
dwell adequately on human depravity and on the Christian doctrine of atonement.
Dick, it is claimed, 'is greatly enamoured with natural science, and censures
Christian Ministers for not introducing more frequently in their public
discourses an account of the magnitude and variety of the works of God'.
However, the reviewer denies that 'the demon of malignity can be expelled from
the human heart by arguments drawn from such topics, or by any other means than
that of the direct agency of the Holy Ghost'. (331)
[2 Review of Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii, by William
Ellis] Subjects: | Exploration, Ethnography, Natural History, Vulcanology |
[3 Review of On Cruelty to Animals, by Thomas Chalmers] Subjects: | Theology of Nature, Cruelty, Government |
The reviewer applauds the law recently passed 'to protect the animal
creation from wanton cruelty'. Noting the establishment of an annual lecture in
Edinburgh on the subject, of which
Chalmers's is the first, the reviewer expresses the hope that other
ministers in different parts of the country will take pains to 'remind the
human savage, whether vulgar or polite, scientific or ignorant,' that the
creation belongs to its divine author. (333)