Youth's Magazine,  3rd ser. 4 (1831), 391.

The Glow-Worm





Entomology, Theology of Nature, Gender, Piety

    Reflects on the kindness of God to insects as exemplified by his giving 'a hymeneal torch' to female glow-worms to enable the male to find his way 'back to his partner' after 'his nightly rambles'. Invites the reader 'to imitate the Glow-worm, and be content to shine in obscurity if the Lord' place him or her there. Enquires: 'And will not young females be determined to resemble the female Glow-worm, and to cultivate that sweetness of temper, and that lustre of piety which will in after years attract the attention and affection of those with whom they are connected. Let the brightness of personal religion be to them, what the beautiful light is to the Glow-worm'.

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