The Industry of the Bee
R C, pseud. [Richard Cope]
Genre: | Homily |
Subjects: | Entomology, Anthropomorphism, Endeavour, Piety |
Gives a somewhat inexpert account of the anatomy and behaviour of the bee, observing that the bee 'affords a striking example to all, as it wisely anticipates the future, embraces the proper season for labor, and uses unremitting diligence in the performance of its daily task' (245). The remainder of the article is a homily based on these themes. Declares: 'How much may be acquired by industry! From the blossoms of science vast stores of sweets may be extracted; but from the flowers of religion may be drawn that which will sweeten every part of human existence' (248). |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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