Youth's Magazine,  3rd ser. 6 (1833), 86–89.






Superstition, Associationism, Meteorology, Animal Behaviour, Prognostication, Magic

People mentioned:


    Attributes the origin of many superstitious opinions to 'the mutual influence of the different organs of the brain, and the consequent association of ideas', resulting in 'a disposition to attach notions of good or of evil to those objects which have been observed to precede, or to accompany pleasurable or painful occurrences' (86). Gives examples of animal behaviour under meteorological peculiarities resulting initially in their use in prognostication, and later spreading to a more generalized superstition concerning particular animals. Describes the rise of magic from such superstitions, and describes it as becoming 'a fatal impediment to the progress of science throughout succeeding ages'. Describes various superstitions relating to animals. Cites the tenth chapter of Forster 1813 for further reading.

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