Showing 1 to 20 of 24 items
1. [Douglas W Jerrold], Man versus Machine, Punch, 2 (1842), 26.
2. [Douglas W Jerrold], Parliamentary Commission of Lunacy, Punch, 5 (1843), 17.
3. [Douglas W Jerrold], Wellington the Alchemist, Punch, 5 (1843), 43.
4. [Douglas W Jerrold], The Caputometer, Punch, 5 (1843), 151.
5. [Douglas W Jerrold], A Note from Mr. Silk Buckingham, Punch, 6 (1844), 137.
6. [Douglas Jerrold], Lord Brougham on Wet-Nurses, Punch, 6 (1844), 148.
7. [Douglas W Jerrold], The British and Foreign Destitute, Punch, 6 (1844), 206.
8. [Douglas W Jerrold], Cruelty to Animals, Punch, 6 (1844), 230.
9. [Douglas W Jerrold], The Blessing of Bad Health, Punch, 7 (1844), 37.
10. [Douglas W Jerrold], Prince Albert's Bees, Punch, 7 (1844), 90.
11. Douglas W Jerrold, Yankee Doctors, Punch, 7 (1844), 95.
12. Douglas W Jerrold, The Health of the Labourer, Punch, 8 (1845), 77.
13. [Douglas W Jerrold], Clergymen on Railways, Punch, 9 (1845), 188.
14. [Douglas W Jerrold], The Great Game Preserver, Punch, 9 (1845), 206–07.
15. [Douglas W Jerrold], A Railway from Oxford to Rome, Punch, 9 (1845), 208.
16. [Douglas W Jerrold], Mr. James Silk Buckingham v. "Punch", Punch, 9 (1845), 229.
17. [Douglas W Jerrold], Mr. James Silk Buckingham v. "Punch", Punch, 9 (1845), 241.
18. [Douglas W Jerrold], The Lovely Game Laws, Punch, 10 (1846), 16.
19. [Douglas W Jerrold], Butterflies and Bishops, Punch, 10 (1846), 64.
20. [Douglas W Jerrold], Jenkins on Railroads, Punch, 11 (1846), 98.