Showing 21 to 40 of 87 items
21. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter V—A Chapter in Five Fragments, Showing How Royalty Visited Arrandoon, and How Our Heroes Returned their Call, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), [457]–59.
22. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter VIII—Rolling Home—A Rough passage—The Welcome Back—The Way a Sailor Sleeps, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), [505]–07.
23. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter X—On Shore in Shetland—A Family of Guides—A Wild Ride and a Primitive Lunch—Westward Ho!—Racing a Whale, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), [537]–39.
24. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XII—Containing a Strange, Strange Story, Told by the Snuggery Fire, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), [569]–72.
25. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XIII—Was it an Old Man's Dream?—Sunday on Mid-Ocean—Land Ho!—A Strange Adventure—Lost in the Great Forest, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), [585]–87.
26. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XIV—Oscar Finds the Truants—Breakfast for Seven—Seth Spins a Yarn—The Walrus Hunters—The Indians—Beautiful Scenery—A Week's Good Sport, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 601–04.
27. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XIV—The Old Trapper Buries His Valuables—The Snowbird Goes on Her Voyage—Ice—A Whale in Sight—A Fall! A Fall!—In at the Death—The Trefoil on Fire, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 625–27.
28. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XVII—On Shore for a Run—Noontide on the Seashore—The Land of Adventure and Sport—After the Antelope—Face to Face with a Grizzly, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 657–59.
29. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XVIII—Rory Poet, Dreamer, and Merchant-Minstrel—Who Says Shore?—All Among the Buffalo—"A Big Shoot"—Preparations for the Winter, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 673–75.
30. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XIX—Winter Comes Apace—New Visitors from the North—A "Perwision ' Natur"—A Mad But Merry Scene—The Downfall of Snow-Stars—An Adventure, But Where Will it End?, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 689–91.
31. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XXV—The Dead Leviathan—The Mate of the Trefoil Makes a Proposal—A Rich Harvest—Christmas Cheer—Something Like a Dinner, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 783–84.
32. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XXVI—Hockey with Snow-Shoes On—The Ice Breaks Up—Change of Quarters—Going on a Big Shoot—The Great Snow Lake—Indians—The Fight in the Forest, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 798–800.
33. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XXVII—The Search of an Antidote—Can Rory be Dead!—Seth to the Rescue—Seth as Doctor and Nurse, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), [809]–11.
34. Gordon Stables, The Cruise of the Snowbird. Chapter XXIX, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), [825]–27.
35. [Gordon Stables], Doings for the Month, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), 96.
36. Gordon Stables, Parrots and All About Them, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), 126–28.
37. [Gordon Stables], Doings for the Month, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), [160].
38. [Gordon Stables], Doings for the Month, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), 312.
39. [Gordon Stables], Doings for the Month, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), 392.
40. [Gordon Stables], Doings for the Month, Boy's Own Paper, 4 (1881–1882), 440.