Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items
1. Henry Sidgwick, [Review of An Examination of the Utilitarian Philosophy, by John Grote], Academy, 2 (1870–71), 197–98.
2. Henry Sidgwick, [Review of The Earthward Pilgrimage, by Moncure D Conway], Academy, 2 (1870–71), 215–16.
3. Henry Sidgwick, [Review of Essays Theological and Literary, by Richard H Hutton], Academy, 2 (1870–71), 325–26.
4. Henry Sidgwick, Dean Mansel, Academy, 2 (1870–71), 400–01.
5. Henry Sidgwick, [Review of Life Theories and Their Influence on Religious Thought, by Lionel S Beale], Academy, 2 (1870–71), 481.
6. Henry Sidgwick, [Review of The History of Philosophy From Thales to Comte, by George H Lewes], Academy, 2 (1870–71), 519–21.